Autumn is my favourite season and especially October. This is the peak of the bird migration and millions of birds are heading south. Step outside on a quiet night for a while and listen, you might hear the "tsssssst" calls of Redwings.
If there's a full moon point a binocular on it and you can see the unseen. Birds flying at night. The majority of the birds migrate at night. This is safer (not predators) and cooler, with the sun birds get extra warm when they fly and then go to higher altitudes to cool down.
Along the coast the migration is even more spectacular when the wind comes from east birds are forced to sea. As they don't want to fly over the water they keep following the coastline and the concentrations build. On these days one can seen thousands of birds and when there's a strong wind they fly even lower.
Here's an image that somehow represents this event. It's only a small flock of Redwings but that morning I guessed I've seen 10.000 of these thrushes. Together with the same number of Chaffinches, Starlings mixed with Sky Larks, Brambling and other species. This is one of nature's finest event and gave me goosebumps several times.